Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Competition Skills & Drills (Block 2)

Block 2 - Accuracy

Following our 5 Skill Blocks/1 Mini Match format, for our second block we are going to introduce some drills designed to test and improve accuracy. Even though each block builds on the last session they are completely independent of one another. What this means is that participating in Block 2 without having participated in Block 1 is not only possible but is seamless. As always we look forward to seeing everyone on the 10th

Eventbrite - Competition Skills and Drills

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Transition Like a Boss: JC Shows Us How

Rob Leatham says "HELL YEAH!"

Transitioning is key... JC does this.

People think that running faster or drawing faster is what saves the most amount of time, but in reality, it is being able to get the gun shooting faster across banks of targets.

This holds true in rifle and shotgun shooting too...

JC is going to be doing some training with Excel in Lombard and we'll be sure to post information about any upcoming classes. (We're hoping to snag him for a week-night shotgun clinc at some point...)